Where and how to recycle paper in Amman, Jordan?

Amman is the capital of Jordan, and it is the largest city in Jordan, according to wikipedia Amman has a population of 4,007,526 and a land area of 1,680 square kilometres. According to EcoMENA Amman accounts for almost half of the total solid waste generated in Jordan, that's approximately 1 Million Metric Ton per year.

The Municipal Solid Waste is compromising from Paper, Plastic, Metal, Glass, Fabrics, Organic, wood and garden waste.

Government of Jordan is not paying attention to the importance of Recycling, since most of the solid waste reach the municipal dumpsters and being buried in the Ground, as a result wasted resources and pollution in the environment.

In order to reduce the harmful effect of dumping the solid waste in the nature, a startup business called Green Spot Recycling launched an initiative to recycle paper in the City of Amman, where they have created a grey color map on their website and called it Green Spots Map. Offices and homes whom start sorting waste paper and donate it to the initiative has been marked as green spots, and been marketed as green facilities. The aim of all of this is to save as much possible paper from trash and give it another life through recycling, which will save a lot of trees and secure jobs for unemployed Jordanians.

You may ask why only paper, the answer because paper is delicate material, and once it's mixed with other waste it will be very difficult to recycle it effectively, hence came the idea to sort the paper from other waste and treat it separately.

Although Green Spot Recycling is relatively new business, but it is reaching everywhere in Amman quickly because it has a nobel mission; to enhance the environment and help unemployed Jordanians.

To contact Green Spot Recycling in Amman, you can visit their website: https://greenspotjo.com or visit their facebook page : https://www.facebook.com/greenspotjo  


المشاركات الشائعة من هذه المدونة

خريطة سوريا الملاحية لأجهزة جارمن

الأصدار الثاني لخريطة مدن سوريا الملاحية في الأسواق بتاريخ 12 مارس 2011